About Us
What is Laker Youth Basketball?
We are a community-based basketball program for boys and girls in grades 3-8 living in the area served by Lake Oswego High School. LYB is a feeder program working in partnership with the Lake Oswego High School Boys and Girls Basketball Programs.
We are part of the Lake Oswego Youth Traveling Basketball Association (LOYTBA), a non-profit organization founded in 1996 to promote competitive youth basketball on both sides of Lake Oswego
Operated by the volunteer Laker Youth Board
2023-2024 Laker YOuth Basketball Board
President: Amy Thomsen
Coaches Manager: Ryan Durrett
Communications: Sarah Born
Registration Coordinator: Nino Fiorentino
Scheduler: David Alles
Bookkeeper: Mike Pai
Traveling Tournament Coordinator: Chris Brandt
Uniform Coordinator: Sarah Kopriva
Lakeside Tournament Director: Alicia Wilks
Rec League Coordinator: OPEN